Uploading Large Files Beyond 64MB Limit

Utilising Cloud Storage Services

Abu Maryam

Last Update 4 months ago


Your resources exceed the file size limit of 64MB on our platform, making direct uploads challenging.


We recommend using Cloud Storage Services to seamlessly handle large file sizes.

Step-by-Step Guide:

1. Prepare Your Resources:

Before you start, ensure you have all the necessary details for your resources, such as names and descriptions.

2. Utilize Cloud Storage:

  • Choose a cloud storage service of your choice (e.g., Google Drive, OneDrive).
  • Sign in or create an account.
  • Upload your resource files to the cloud storage. Include all necessary files.

3. Share the Cloud Storage Link:

Once the files are uploaded, generate a shareable link for the entire folder or individual files.

4. Submit Resources on Our Platform:

  • Login/Register and navigate to your author dashboard.
  • click on the "Add Resource" tab to initiate the submission process.
  • Fill in all the required details, including names and descriptions.

5. Paste Cloud Storage Link in Description:

  • At the bottom of the description, paste the shareable link from your cloud storage.
  • Use an identifier (e.g., "Cloud Storage Link:") to indicate the provided link.

6. Submit Your Resources:

Click on the "Submit" button even if the resources are not directly uploaded.

7. Await Approval:

Our team will review your submission, including the provided details and the cloud storage link.

8. Manual Addition of Downloads:

Upon approval, we will take care of the manual addition of downloads to your resources.


Remember to submit all necessary information, including the cloud storage link, even if the files are not uploaded directly. Clicking "Submit" triggers the review process, and once approved, our team will handle the manual addition of downloads.

Feel free to reach out if you encounter any issues or have further questions. We appreciate your cooperation in making the submission process smooth and efficient.

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